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ubiwhere Aveiro

Future Internet and Next-Generation Networks

ubiwhere Aveiro

SELFNET will conceive and implement a Framework for self-organized network management capable of assisting network operators in crucial management tasks and problems. For Self- Protection, SELFNET detects and minimizes the effects brought on by cyber-attacks and restores 5G network safe traffic. For Self- Healing, it detects and anticipates common failures within the 5G network infrastructures in order to offer the best solutions. And for Self- Optimization, it implements an autonomic behaviour that gives an automatic response to the decline of QoE levels, along with energy management for optimized resources distributed throughout the network.

Thus, improving the network’s performance and consequently, the users experience. The automatization of a wide variety of network management tasks will represent a significant reduction on network operators and service providers’ operational costs while potentiating new business opportunities, such as the commercialization of security as a service.

 This project has received funding from the EU´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 671672




